Brighton & Hove City Council


Housing Management Panel: Central Area


2.00pm4 November 2020


Virtual Meeting




Present: Councillors Hugh-Jones (Chair)  


Voting Representatives: Emma Salcombe, Barry Hughes, Carl Boardman, Jane Thorp, Kay Atherton


Officers: Hannah Barker


Guests: Eddie Wilson (Mears)




9             Apologies




10          Minutes of the Previous Meeting


10.1    Residents noted an issue regarding rats and mice.


10.2    Eddie Wilson apologised for a mistake which led to this being published by the press. 


10.3    AGREED – that the minutes were a correct record of the meeting.




11          Chair's Communications


11.1    The Chair addressed the panel and gave the following communications:


“We would like to acknowledge the feedback that residents and staff took time to give us about the last round of Area Panels.


There are challenges with using the internet particularly with software, different devices and networks.  I recognise that this can make the meeting more complicated to follow and we hope that these issues can be gradually resolved.


We also know that online meetings can be difficult for some and the community engagement team are working with residents to support as many people as possible to access them.


It was very useful to learn how people felt about having a large single online meeting and you can be reassured the feedback, both negative and positive, will be used to help improve the way meetings are organised in the future.


I would like to remind everyone that the Area Panels are for future planning and issues that affect everyone, they are not the forum to raise individual issues, or repairs that have not been dealt with.  If you do have an individual issue that is stuck in the system, please do speak to your Community Engagement Officer who will be able to put you in touch with the right service or person.”




12          Central Area Agenda


Reports going to Housing Committee


12.1    The Chair stated that the homeless strategy was underway.


12.2    AREED – That the update was satisfactory.


            Tenant and Leasehold Engagement Strategy


12.3    The panel received a brief overview of the Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement Strategy which sought to further tenant involvement and empowerment. The update was provided by Hannah Barker.


12.4    Residents welcomed the overview and noted that they would like to see Key Performance Indicators and noted that leaseholders ought to be higher profile as they owned 20% of housing,


12.5    AGREED – That the update was satisfactory.


            Estate Development Budget Update


12.6    The panel received an update of the Estate Development Budget which was provided by Keith Perry.


12.7    Residents and leaseholders welcomed the update and noted that there were some ongoing issues with cases.


12.8    AGREED – That the update was satisfactory.




13          Residents Question Time


13.1    Item 1 – Communal Aerials


13.2    AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.3    Item 2 – EDB Allocation of Surplus Funds


13.4    AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.5    Item 3 – EDB Publicity


13.6    Residents welcomed the response and noted that the response was vague. Clarity was sought regarding which type of bid would be charged back. It was further noted that there had never been a section 20 on EDB Bids, it was noted that leaseholders didn’t realise that they were being charged for EDB works. It was further stated that if costing was too high leaseholders were to be consulted on their decision.


13.7    AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.8    Item 4 – Distribution to Homing In


13.9`   Residents welcomed the response and stated that this was the landlords responsibility.


13.10  AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.11  Item 5 – Vermin Control


13.12  AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.13  Item 6 – Repairs Hotline


13.14  Residents welcomed the response and enquired if this would remain in Housing Centre through Covid era.


13.15  Eddie Wilson, Mears Representative, confirmed that members had the technology to work from home. It was stated that guidance was provided, and that staff were well in to training.


13.16  AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.17  Item 7 – Grass Cutting and Grounds Maintenance


13.18  Residents welcomed the response and expressed concern. It was noted that there were ongoing issues with works.


13.19  It was stated that there was an organisation called Good Gym that were contactable online.


13.20  A resident stated that Good Gym they didn’t have the tools to do some work.


13.21  AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.22  Item 8 – Communication between Council and Residents


13.23  AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.24  Item 9 – Tenancy Termination Following a Tenant’s Death


13.25  AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


13.26  Item 10 – Gardening Scheme for Elderly and Disabled Tenants


13.27  AGREED – that the response was satisfactory.


            Any Other Business


13.28  Carl Boardman noted that major capital works beginning and enquired if anyone in the area wanted to be involved in adjudicating.




14          Central Area EDB Bids


14.1    Refer to Item 12.




15          Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement


15.1    Refer to Item 12.




16          Any Other Business


16.1    Refer to Item 12.





The meeting concluded at 4.15pm




Dated this


day of